Site icon GoFraudMe

Dear GoFundMe, Please Stop Letting People Spam Their Campaigns to Random People

You have to be a special kind of stupid to bump into GoFraudMe and think “Oh boy, I should spam them with my GoFundMe page so they share it!” but boy, would you be surprised.

So that’s why when I started getting emails about “A worldwide brand for a foundation,” I wasn’t really surprised. Idiots who couldn’t fundraise their way out of a wet paper bag are constantly spamming me with their scampaigns on Facebook. But this one was a little different — the campaign owner went ahead and subscribed me to updates. Without my permission.

The FTC has very specific rules about spam and likely wouldn’t be happy to know that GoFundMe campaign owners can just type in any ole email they like and start a-spamming.

There is an option to unsubscribe, but why the hell am I getting these emails in the first place?

I never signed up for this. I never approved this. I never said “yes, GoFundMe, please keep me alerted every time this shady sonofabitch farts!” So why am I getting these emails?

Get your shit together, GoFundMe, and stop letting these random idiots spam people with their virtual cup rattling.

Oh and Jean-Pierre? Eat a dick and get a job.


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