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Here’s a GoFundMe Scam Raising Money For a Little Girl With the Rare Cancer DIPG

GoFundMe says fraud is a rare occurrence on its platform, making up just one tenth of one percent of overall campaigns. It’s interesting that as the platform has grown exponentially, that figure has remained the same. I’ve asked out loud before if maybe what GoFundMe considers “fraud” isn’t what the rest of us think is “fraud” and therefore that figure is somehow accurate. Who knows.

Anyhoo, today we bring you yet another totally obvious scam using stolen photos and some sob story. Because GoFundMe LOL.

Meet Tiffany. Tiffany is probably fake, because of course she is. In her plea for $30k she writes:

Hello Everyone ! My name is Tiffany i am trying to help one of my frineds raise money for her daughter Bailey for medical research. Bailey is a bright 8 year old who was recently diagnosed with a rare cancer which is called DIPG, Diffuse Intrinsic pontine Glioma, Which is a form of an aggressive tumor in the brain. When bailey was diagnosed with a rare pediatric brain tumor that no child has ever survived, she learned there was no known cure because of a lack of funding for research. We need to raise 15k in order to get her the medical attention and also the reasearch she needs to have the best chance of surviving. unfortunately there is a 0% rate that there is any chance of her surviving be we are not giving up. This type of cancer is a fast aggresvie tumor so time is limited. . If you are a parent, I am sure you can imagine the pain of hearing that not only is there no cure available for your child’s illness, but there is absolutely no hope that she will survive long enough to find one. Please! we need your help to make this possible especially if their is little to no reaseach being done. This could also help other children in the future if they come across this devastating life threatening situation Thank you all !

My God. Use the damn squiggly red line, it’s there to help you. Anyway, about “Bailey.” Run her through the reverse image search and…

Jesus, these people.

The comments on the GoFundMe scam page weren’t having it, many of which were posted by parents of DIPG children.



The campaign was taken down from GoFundMe once it was called out but that didn’t stop it from going up and sitting there for days with a fake story.

You counting this one in your fraud stats, GoFundMe? Inquiring minds want to know.

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