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GoFundMe Pulls Memorial Campaign for Murdered Little Girl After Beneficiary is Charged in Death of Girl

GoFraudMe Reader Survey: How Can GoFundMe Improve?

Rescue Group Says Fundraiser for Burned Puppy is a Fraud

Alaska State Troopers Warn of ‘Fraudulent’ GoFundMe Campaigns After K9 Death

Fake Cancer Patient Stole This Crowdfunding Plea From a Real Cancer Patient

Minnesota Woman Accused of Stealing GoFundMe Funds for Missing Boaters Pleads Guilty

[UPDATED] Obvious GoFundMe Scammer Using Stolen Photos of Autistic Kid for Profit

GoFundMe Campaign Created for Texas Teen with Down Syndrome is a Fake, Says Family

Former Police Detective Pleads Not Guilty in GoFundMe Fraud Case

Detroit Cops Arrest Man for Fake GoFundMe Campaign, Find Pot and an Angry Mother Too

GoFundMe Gone Right: Chicago Paleta Man Nets (Less Than) $384k in Just Nine Days

‘Trolls’ Take Over GoFundMe Page For Mother of Child Killed in a Car Accident

Probably Not Fraud Just Stupid
NFL Player Making $3 Million a Year Says He’ll Start a GoFundMe Campaign to Pay Fine